How to Get Some Missing Extensions of VSCode in Codium
In this article, I’m going to show you how to get some missing extensions of VSCode in Codium. This problem occurs when you use Codium as text editor instead of VSCode. Even the UI are similiar, both uses different marketplace. So, that’s why you can’t find some vscode extensions in codium, especially the extensions provided by Microsoft. Of course this can disturbs your productivity while coding.
For this, you can do a trick to fix it.
Open your terminal and edit as superuser user /usr/share/code/resources/app/product.json file to change extension marketplace endpoint. Find “extensionsGallery” then edit serviceUrl and itemUrl value respectively by following configuration below :
“extensionsGallery”: {
“serviceUrl”: “",
“itemUrl”: “"
Save then reopen codium.
You will get the missing extensions already exists.